Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA

Great Sand Dunes National Park is located in the San Luis Valley, Mid South of Colorado.
The park contains the tallest sand dunes in North America, rising about 750 feet (230 m)
from the floor of the San Luis Valley on the western base of the Sangre de Cristo Range.
The dunes were formed from sand and soil deposits of the Rio Grande flowing through the San Luis Valley.
Over the ages, westerly winds picked up sand particles from the river flood plain. As the wind lost power
before crossing the Sangre de Cristo Range, the sand was deposited on the east edge of the valley.
This process continues, and the dunes are slowly growing. The wind changes the shape of the dunes daily.

Der Great Sand Dunes Nationalpark liegt im San Luis Valley im mittleren Süden von Colorado.
Im Park befinden sich die höchsten Sanddünen in Nordamerika, die eine Höhe von bis zu 750 ft (230 m)
von der Ebene des San Luis Valley, am westlichen Fuß der Sangro de Cristo Bergkette, erreichen.
Die Dünen werden von Sand und kleinen Ablagerungen des Rio Grande geformt, der durch das Tal fließt .
Über viele Jahre, nehmen westliche Winde die Partikel vom Flussufer auf. Bevor die Winde die 
Sangro de Cristo Bergkette überqueren, werden sie gebremst und lagern den Sand am Ostende des Tales ab.
Der Prozeß dauert immer noch an und die Sanddünen wachsen langsam weiter, wobei der Wind täglich ihre Form verändert.


These photos were shot in August 2013 - Diese Bilder wurden im August 2013 aufgenommen.


Distant view on Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Distant view on Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Distant view on Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Distant view on Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
  Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Close view of Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Close view of Great Sand Dunes and Sangro de Cristo Range, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



Close view of Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA
Close view of Great Sand Dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado - USA



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